On the 22nd of June 2010 the official regulations were signed, that made the foundation of U.H.S.V. Anteros a fact. For a while the founder, Chubbs Koolman (on the right) thought of starting an LGBTQIA+ student association, because there weren’t very many ways for LGBTQIA+ students to get in contact with each other. Above all, the combination of a student life and being LGBTQIA+ was never quite optimal.
The idea of Koolman was received well, he was supported by Ron Bartels, Wies Lommen, Joeri Arkink and Rianne Bergstra (from left to right). Together they formed the First Board of U.H.S.V. Anteros.
The name Anteros was chosen at a PANN party, where people could vote on an appropriate name for the to be established student association. Anteros is a character from a Greek myth in which he is the brother of Eros, who was laboured by Aphrodite because her son was so lonely. In contrast to Eros, Anteros is the god of requited love, who punishes every person that lets true love unanswered.
The motto of U.H.S.V. Anteros fits this mythological tradition. “Amor Vincit Omnia” doesn’t only mean that love conquers all, but also that all kinds of love have the right to exist. Because of this, Anteros is often seen as the protector of the LGBTQIA+ community.