Of course we want everyone to be feeling well.
Therefore, if you’re having a hard time with something and you’d like to talk about it, you can email our counselors at [email protected]. Think of problems surrounding your sexuality or anything else personal. Everything you discuss with our counselors is confidential. You can also contact our counselors anonymously using a fake (anonymous) email address. Nobody will ask you for personal details if you don’t want to share them.
Our counselors are available to both Anterians and people who are not member.
Our counselors this year are Anne, Pien and JP. They will be ready for anyone who contacts them throughout the year and will try to support everyone in the best possible way. Do you feel that talking to a counselor is not enough? We can offer you more resources through our counselors, but also through the board, to find the right help you need. You can reach our counselors at [email protected] or their personal email address. You can reach the board of U.H.S.V. Anteros at [email protected]. You can also find resources at the bottom of this page.
Get to know our counselors
Looking for help?
Here are a few resources
113: Suicide prevention
Are you or someone else thinking about suicide? Please contact the 24/7 hotline at 0800-0113 or chat on 113.nl free of charge and anonymously.
Do not hesitate to call 112 or 113 if you or someone you know is contemplating suicide or is at an end.
Help is available in Dutch & English:
112, GP and other care
Call 112 immediately in life-threatening situations!
If you notice that you or someone else is feeling unwell and you don’t know what kind of help to turn to, the first step is always to call your GP during the day during the week. The person on the phone will offer you the help you need.
Outside opening hours of your GP practice -such as during the night, on Saturdays and Sundays or during a holiday- you can always call the General Practitioners’ Post hotline. The costs of the GP out-of-hours service are fully covered by your health insurer and are therefore free of charge, just like the help from your own GP(s)!
The number of the General Practitioners’ Post in Utrecht (city) is 088 – 1309670.
De Luisterlijn (The Listening Line)
When you are in pain or fretting about something; in those moments when you feel alone or just happy. We give you that little bit of support. The help is free of charge and anonymous.
You can call the hotline anonymously, day or night, all days of the week, all year round. Talking relieves.
Call 088 0767 000 for a listening ear or call a local number (only charges your provider):